DiSC Assessment
Increase your self-awareness with
DiSC Assessment
If you’re not sure what next career step to take or you want to learn more about yourself then DiSC assessment will help you.
DiSC is an acronym that stands for the four main personality dimensions described in the DiSC model:
[D]dominance, [I]influence, [S]teadiness and [C]onscientiousness.
DiSC can help you
Fuel self-confidence. Get to know your strengths, limitations, skills, emotions, and motivations.
Understand other people and adapt to their behavior.
Learn how to work with other personalities more productively.
Self-Assessment Process
You receive a personal DiSC assessment by e-mail.
Answer a questionnaire about your behavior (takes around 15 minutes), using a scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree.
You will get
A personalized profile (20 pages), which helps you to get to know yourself, and learn how to communicate better with other people.
A personal feedback session (around 45-60 min).
The test is made by accreditied expert
Jelena Laudver
Certified DiSC trainer
by IPB Partners